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文章来源:世奇五金网  |  2022-08-27


重庆起重机器有限公司 2010年07月07日 来源: 重庆起重机器有限公司是一家集制造、销售、安装、检测、维修保养、非标设计为一体的综合性公司。主要经营国产、进口钢丝绳电动葫芦、单梁、双梁起重机、桥式起重机、集装箱门式起重机、路桥专用双梁吊钩、吊环门式起重机、架桥机;钢丝绳、吊带链条、吊具、液压搬运车、电磁吸盘等各种起重设备及配件。 本公司是(台商独资)杭州力泰起重机械有限公司西南地区唯一一家总代理,力泰公司系台湾诚岱机械厂股份有限公司有关系企业之一,工厂位于风光旖旎的中国旅游城市杭州,专业生产各种规格的手动式、电动式葫芦、链条式、钢索式起升小车总成等起重设备。产品广泛销售于上海、广东、浙江、江苏、天津、重庆等省(直辖市),以及香港、韩国、日本、新加坡、东南亚等十几个国家和地区。 现公司产品已广泛应用于机械、冶金、电力、化工、军工、铁路、水利、造船、港口、大型货场等,畅销于重庆、成都、昆明等西南地区20多个城市。公司资本运营良好,规模发展快速,连年被评为“重合同守信用企业”、“资信AAA级企业”、“先进民营企业”、“质量效益型企业”、“质量管理先进单位”、“质量诚信单位”、“消费者信得过单位”、“科技企业”、“科技工作先进单位”、“重庆市高成长型民营企业”、“重庆市援川抗震救灾慈善捐赠先进集体”等称号。 本公司愿以一流的产品、最优质的服务满足用户需求,凡是本公司销售的各种产品出现质量问题,本公司均按照规定实行“三包”服务,并由公司售后服务队在最短时间内到达现场解决问题。 本公司信奉“诚信、踏实、迅速”的经营理念,实行生产、销售、安装、售后服务一条龙。重庆起重机器有限公司竭诚欢迎各界友人的惠顾与合作,愿携手广大客户,共创企业辉煌!

Chongqing crane lifting equipment devices Co., Ltd. is recognized as the quality of well-known brands, is a manufacturing, sales, installation, testing, maintenance, nonstandard design of an integrated company. The main business of domestic, imported wire rope electric hoist, single, double girder cranes, bridge cranes, container gantry cranes, road and bridge special double-beam hook, rings gantry cranes, bridge machine; wire rope, sling chain, sling, rigging , hydraulic truck, magnetic chuck, and other lifting equipment and accessories.

Our company is (Taiwanese-owned) Hangzhou Hoisting Machinery Co., Ltd. Thai forces only agent in Southwest, force Thai companies of Taiwan Cheng Dai Machinery Factory Co., Ltd., one of a relationship, the factory is located in the beautiful tourist city of Hangzhou in China , specializes in all kinds of manual, electric hoist, chain, cable-type lifting trolley assembly and other lifting equipment. The products are widely sold in Shanghai, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Tianjin, and Chongqing provinces (municipalities), and Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Southeast Asia more than a dozen countries and regions.

Now the company products have been widely used in machinery, metallurgy, electric power, chemical, military, railway, water conservancy, shipbuilding, ports, large yard, etc., are sold in Chongqing, Chengdu, Kunming, Southwest China more than 20 cities. Well-run company's capital, the scale of the development of rapid, honored as "the contract and trustworthy enterprise", "AAA grade credit enterprise", "advanced private enterprise", "quality and efficiency enterprise", "Quality management units", "quality Integrity Unit "," consumer trust units "," technology companies "," Advanced Unit of Science and Technology "," Chongqing high-growth private enterprises "," Chongqing Sichuan earthquake relief assistance to charitable giving advanced group "and so on.

This company, first class products, best service to meet customer needs, where production and sales in the company's various product quality problems, the company in accordance with the provisions of "Three Guarantees" service by the company's service team in the shortest possible time, arrived at the scene to solve the problem.

This company believes in "good faith, practical, quick" business philosophy, the implementation of the production, sale, installation and after-sale service. Chongqing crane device, Ltd. sincerely welcome your patronage and cooperation of friends willing to join our clients to create enterprise brilliant!




